Facebook Code Generator On Computer
Download File ===== https://urlin.us/2tmVSN
when facebook asks you to choose a security question and answer it, choose a question that you are likely to remember and answer it. its best to choose something that is simple, like your favorite color or a song you love. this way, if the hacker tries to guess your answer, they would have a difficult time guessing it.
finally, click reset password and you will be prompted to enter your username, password, answer to the security question, and a security code sent to your mobile device. it is important to ensure that you do not copy your security code. if you do, the hacker can access your account without your knowledge and steal your personal information.
facebook will then send a security code to your mobile device that can be used to access your account. when you enter the code, your account will be protected and you will be asked to choose a security question to answer before you can log in.
if you are still unable to login to your account, you can call facebook at 1-855-217-1820 and speak with a representative. it is possible that the representative can help you with the problem. also, if you are redirected to another site, such as a phishing site, you should always block the page.
another way to login to your account is to use the login button on the top right side of your facebook home page. facebook will then open a login box for you. enter your username and password and click the login button.
as you can see, authy requests the code from your facebook account after you enter your email and password. if you are sure you're not the one who broke into your facebook account, you can use authy to generate a code and confirm the code with facebook. 3d9ccd7d82